Monday 17 October 2022


Sound is characterised as non-diegetic or diegetic

Non-diegetic sound is not heard within the film. Classical examples of this is the use of themes like in Psycho and Halloween. This is created through electronic or instrumental strings, with a mixture of long or short drawn out notes. This makes the audience hold their breath as it mimics the heartbeat, and increases the tension. 

The diegetic music heard within the film is typically related to the killings. These are usually sounds of slashing, stabbing, and the allusions through sound allow for less graphic deaths, as the audience's imagination is often more gruesome and effective than a films visuals. 

Hand of God:

Non-Diegetic Sounds:

  • Eerie singing like in Cherry Falls (2000)
  • Piano notes recreating the Friday The 13th (1980) theme, which we recreated on GarageBand

For the Hand of God scene since we were replicated the Cherry Falls opening.

Cherry Falls Hand of God:

We wanted to replicate the eerie singing as it connotes the horror genre and creates the feeling that something is not quite right. It is similar to the use of a children's choir in IT (2017). The IT soundtrack had some interesting elements of eerie whispers, screams and shrieks echoing. 

We tried to imitate it by first recording some vocals: 

I changed the pitch of the audio and added a distort effect in FCPX

I then proceeded to add the Diegetic/Foley Sounds:
  • Church bells
  • Birds chirping 
  • School bell 
  • Water flowing 

I also added the free sound effects of Thunder Roll and Drone Dark Suspense. 

I wanted to mimic the soundtrack of Friday the 13th (2009):

In the Friday the 13th soundtrack they recorded whispering kill kill and distorted it, I recorder myself saying eyes eyes and distorted it for a similar effect. The music was made in Garage Band by using the the loops.

  • Swallowing vodka 
  • Passing cars and birds

Forest Scene:

  • Footsteps 
  • Droning sound for the wind 
  • Owl hooting 
  • Crickets 
  • Branch snapping 
  • Phone ringtone 
  • Slashing

Non-Diegetic Sounds:

  • Static in the cross cuts 
  • Heartbeat


  • Slashing
  • Phone receiver tone
  • Water dripping 
  • Splatters 
  • Static
  • Fingers clicking

Locker Scene:
Diegetic/Foley Sounds:

  • Background chattering
  • Locker opening 
  • Locker slamming 
  • Footsteps

Non-Diegetic Sounds:

  • Piano and singing of "Killer Queen" by Queen

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